Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Recessionary Economy Heightens Need for "Spot On" Client Development

The future downstream fallout from the contraction in the financial services industry is yet to be felt by law firms and other professional service providers. A significant percentage of most law firms' books of business consists of work directly or indirectly originating from financial institutions, banks, real estate entities, insurance companies and other related companies. The sub prime mess, a contracting economy, the vast amount of available outside legal talent and the fact that increasing amounts of legal work are being handled by in-house counsel means it will get tougher and tougher in coming months to maintain and gain client share and market share. Firms that will prosper are those whose "house is in order": those who have the right existing relationships and are initiating the best possible communications in this belt-tightening time. Now is the time to insure all senior partners and other rainmakers have specific, coordinated action plans in place to insure a consistent stream of good business in coming months. To augment your firm's efforts, consider attending the acclaimed program entitled "Mastering the Sales Process for Lawyers" on May 22, 2008 in NYC. For more information, click on this link:

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