Golf uses a handicap
system that “evens
out” the playing
field (i.e., the golf course)
for all levels of players. The better golfer
you are, the lower
your handicap. Handicaps start from 0 (those
with zero handicaps are referred to as “scratch” golfers) to a high of around
40. Not
only is it important to know your handicap, but if you want
to become good at
golf, it is important to establish a handicap
through an accredited body like the USGA.
Handicap(s) in business
development do not even out the playing
field for lawyers. Instead they create challenges and possible detriments.
Whether aware
of them or not, ALL lawyers
have and face handicaps in every single
new business development situation. The most common
handicaps are the lack of knowledge or understanding of
“the playing field” and “lay of
the land” and the key skills needed
to succeed in different opportunities and in different situations. For example, the decision-making process for selecting outside
legal services within each company or entity varies considerably, so creating
and using a people-map in advance can help.
Other handicaps lawyers face when working to develop business include the variances any client can perceive
between what one lawyer or firm
brings to the table
versus competing lawyers and firms. A very common yet hidden handicap
is any unconscious bias that may
come into play when working to develop
business with a specific
person or company. For
example, a “GenX” general
counsel may have an unconscious bias against “Baby Boomer” lawyers.
As a lawyer
wanting to be a better
rainmaker, for each situation, ask
yourself these questions as they apply to you:
What are my handicap(s)? Which ones am I aware of? What handicap(s) might I
have that I am not aware of?
Using a proven rainmaking coach can help with these and many other
issues, hurdles, and challenges.
Concentration –

Being “in the moment,” undistracted, and focused is important for success in golf and in developing new business. A major factor in the results you will achieve in either is a direct
result of the degree and level of
concentration you have and maintain throughout the game of golf
and/or the process of developing new legal work (which is a proven
process, part science, part art).
Career-Long Skill
Development –

key skills needed
to excel at golf include
your swing, short game, and putting,
none of which is possible to ever completely perfect (Jack Nicklaus
and Tiger Woods - arguably the two
best golfers ever - missed many putts over their careers).
Few people are born as
“naturals” in golf or rainmaking, and even those
born as “naturals” must continue
to enhance,
upgrade and improve
their skills over the course
of their career. Embrace
the fact that “perfection” is an elusive
objective both in golf and in developing new legal work. No
one will win them all.
4. Find Your
Own Recipe for Success –
is no “one size fits all” or
simple solution to becoming a great
golfer or a great
business developer. There are many paths
and avenues to success.
Keys to success in either
are knowing your objectives (how good of a golfer/business developer do you want to work to be?); making
concerted efforts toward your objectives; creating
and using disciplined preparation; regularly practicing; and finding and utilizing an effective coach.
5. Work
Smarter to Win –
In golf, depending
upon how good you are and other
factors, putting can be 50% or more of your strokes. Yet most golfers
“warm up” or practice on the driving range,
when the weakest yet most important part of
the game is the “short
game,” i.e., putting
and chipping. At most
golf courses and practice facilities, the driving range
is full of people while the practice green and chipping green are empty.
Why? It’s more fun to
hit 300-yard drives than it is to stand on a putting green and make 3-foot putts into the exact center
of the hole, making
the ball roll barely over the front
of the cup and drop in.
That’s why a winning golfer’s maxim
is "drive for show and putt for dough."

*The author
gratefully acknowledges the generous contributions, advice and edits
for this article provided
by her two brothers, father,
and uncle, each of
whom is a “scratch golfer” and excellent business developer.
About the Author: Julie Savarino is an attorney, rainmaker
coach, and one of
the world’s most highly recommended “sales” and business
development coaches and consultants for lawyers and law firms. If you like this post, check out
and "like" Julie’s new Facebook page @therainmakercoach where she
will be posting useful and valuable "sales" and business development
tips and content for lawyers, law firm marketers and law firms all year long!
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